Monday, November 10, 2008

Is the bottle half empty or full?

The law of attraction says that when we think positive, the universal attracts positive thoughts. But in my case after a year long of having good time, just as I predicted I had a rough bad one year. Nothing good attracted to my direction. (refer my previous entry on PUre luCK! )

Just as I mentioned in the “Interview with the Novice”, god always answers one’s prayers through the medium one will unlikely to think off. In my case, he indeed did. But that was not enough. I wanted more. I wanted assurance that my actions and thoughts were indeed right in his eyes. But up till today, I had absolute no sign form him except for those soft whispers in my ears.

So I waited and waited and waited, there was absolute nothing. Not a single sound of temple bell, birds chirping, rainbows or dreams as i had before (refer mt previous entry on Mysterious Rainbow ). And then today, as I was driving to work, I was questioning him again both in sorrow and anger, suddenly I heard a faint whispers at my ear, “Footprint”. I was stunt for a moment but then suddenly the verse of footprint came running to my head.

You promised me Lord,that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there has only been one set of footprints in the sand. Why, when I needed you most, have you not been there for me?

The Lord replied, the years when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child, is when I carried you

I smiled. My prayers were finally answered. Was it for real, I questioned myself? And just as my car was moving, turning at the corner of the UNITEN road, the bell of the temple below that had been silent for a year long suddenly rang, not once but twice. I then smiled for the second time.

The sign didn’t stop there. As I logged on to my face book, the first thing I see is a cute smiley and invitation to join the “become fan of smiley”.

Moment later I read the exact word that I shouldn’t be reading but needing to be heard “ some people deserve to be hated and not to be regretted... so no regrets and stay happy always..”. And that was my official fourth smile for the day!

I guess, life is full of mystery. When you least expect something in life, it comes to you in the form of hope. One has to just wait and listen. The law of attraction is amazing!

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