Friday, June 13, 2008

180 Degree Change

Beginning of this year, I vowed to change. Of course this resolution of mine emerged late, as I the all mighty shuba don’t believe in resolution or vision or mission or many other things.

But things happen along the way and I start picking up my missing pieces and I realized the time has come for me to change. Not 360 degrees but 180 was sufficient enough. And of course I didn’t discover this all by myself but with a little help form an incredible book called “The Secret-Law of Attraction”.

So to begin with changes, one needs a resolution. I created not one but many. But today, I am not going to talk about it or reveal what’s cooking in my tinny little brain, but just to share a small portion of my discovery.

But warning: “This will not and may not be applicable to all but me, myself and I”

Me, I am morning person. I believe in waking up and feeling happy on top of the world, forgetting my past and enjoying every moment till the sun rise up above my head an melt the invisible shield to bring me back to reality. Sigh!

Hence, when someone or something spoils my mood early in the morning, I get mad and annoyed and irritated. And just like the Gestalt Law, one thing will continiously lead to another and it will finally lead towards a bad day!

But I was wrong. There are no such things as bad day unless we decided to feel so. But of course I didn’t discover it till I read “The Secret-Law of Attraction”! After going into deep analization (imagine a book that can be read in 1 day took me almost 2 week to finish), I discovered what the author said was indeed true. We are in control of our destiny or life. What happens is derived of what we think and what we ask for. Just as the saying goes:

“Your wish is my command!”

Hence I tried it on looking at things that could lead to chain relation for a bad day and discovered this pattern or similar to this:

Ma wakes us up late and I quickly rush to bathe.

Soon to discover I forgotten to blow my dry my hair, which deliberately lead to bad hair day.

While I am trying to mend my hair, I soon realize my stomach is bloated and I don’t look nice in any of my clothes.

Above all, the clothes that fit are not ironed. So chuck my self in baju kurung and bun my hair..

Just I will rush my self out, there will always be some one or sometimes even me say something really wrong which will lead to bad conversation or arguments.

So by the time I leave the house or while in car, I am upset and mad or angry. Just then I will realize my petrol thank will be in E.

So I have to rush to pour petrol and will continue my journey. Because I am late, there will be more cars on the road, more idiot driving, more of me complaining. Soon I will discover that all traffic light that I pass by that day would red. More delay of course!

Just when I realize nothing worst could happen, as I get in to my room, I will definitely discover my phone missing! Ops, what else, I left it at home.

Then things will go wrong in my office, everyone will try to call me and get upset for not answering and finally when I go back home, there wont be anything nice to eat or much. So all in all it’s a bad day.

Then I discovered that things happen coherently due to our silly mistakes. So I changed them. This is how:

i. If I am late, I don’t bathe (Its not like I sleep in the bush to be that dirty);

ii. If I forget to blow dry my hair, I will put a bun (that why I am enjoying my long hair for this long);

iii. To avoid bloated stomach I try to avoid peanuts or dhall or nowadays trying prune juice;

iv. When I see my petrol in E, I make sure I can drive up till putrajaya or pour the night before;

v. To avoid bad clothes day, I will always keep a side clothes that are one size large or simply wear baju kurung;

vi. To avoid last minutes ironing, I make sure all clothes are ironed upfront or simply buy blouses that don’t require ironing;

vii. Finally to avoid bad conversation or arguments, I have opt to keep quite, forget what ever being voice out or shouted at and “forgive, forget and smile and sometimes response back calmly”.

After doing all this I realized that, by the time my car stops at putrajaya and I walk up to my room and calm down, the days goes smoothly.





unless, I asked for trouble. But of course this doesn’t happen all the time. Disasters do strike at times and many times during PMS. I guess when I decide to change my self, my hormone changed too. Now days I get more cranky during PMS. So the will to be patient vary off and many times i I lose control. But with the new me, I am sure I can figure out the way to curb that problem.


riya said...

hmm.. trying to change ourselves? thats a good topic. atleast you are making an effort to change yourself sis. a lot of ppl are asking me to change myself but u know how stubborn i can be heheheh! but i guess we have to change somehow to impress some ppl.. ( u know who)anyway.. good luck for the new you.. :) but i always like you for who you are sis.

CHARIS said...

At least there is food on the table when you get home. Me, I get home at 10:30pm Mondays - Thursdays and cook. No cook, no food, no eat.

I have bloated stomach prob as well. Not exactly the sexiest of probs :( There's a whole lot of food for me to avoid - onion, garlic, any high-fiber food, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, etc.