Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Spicey Mr Potato!

Santdosh doesn't like spicy food. But yesterday, he found his liking for spicey flavored Mr Potato Chips. And according to mom, he ate it with rice as though it was papadam*.  So as usual I came back home and was having conversation with him...

Santdosh: This is nice (said he while taking a bite).
Me: Not spicey!
Santdosh: He shake his head, indicating no!
Me: Can I have one. Pleaseeee!
Santdosh: No, its spicey! Only big girls and big boys can eat!
Me: I am big girl!
Santdosh: No you only 5.
Me: Then you?
Santdosh: You 5 and I am 4 years old. 4 years old is ok.
Me: Please, can I have 1!
Santdosh: No, its spicey and it will burn your tongue, burn your eyes and current will go through your head!
Me: Haiyoh, Sontdosh oh Santdosh!

*Papadam: Indian chips made from gram flour eaten with rice. Also known as papad or apaalam!

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