Monday, December 29, 2014

The alphabets race!

Santdosh is chatter box! Up till two months ago, he asks' question differently. The way he ask, will assist any one to give an precise answer. I was so happy as I though he skipped the "why" moment. Boy, was I wrong.

Last Sunday, I was tired of answering his question.

Me: Oh Santdosh, why to do you ask lots of "why? WHY? wHy?

Santdosh: Because, why is a question!

And then the conversation went on sometime, he ask

Santdosh: Shuba, why is 'Z' last.

Me: (Huh!!!!) Hmm, one day all the alphabets went for racing and the letter 'A' was first. Because (there was a pause), 'A' has a 2 legs, it ran very fast. B has flat surface, so it slide all the way, 'O' was little bit slow because it need to roll over and 'I' had to hop all the way as t has only one leg! Z was last because 'Y' is always asking 'Z' questions.

(Oh dear, lucky he didn't ask why 'M' didnt run when got 2 pair of legs. Instead..

Santdosh: Shuba,did numbers also go for racing!

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