Monday, November 24, 2008

Inner Voice in Action!

Being attached to MOF Inc Division which handled tons of privatizing project, almost everyone form my department will attend meeting at Economic Planing Unit (EPU) almost everyday, morning and afternoon, 5 times a week. I just had one on Tuesday (18.11.08) and was requested by my boss to attend another meeting the following day, which at that point I didn’t realize it was located at Lembaga Lebuhraya(LLM) and not EPU.

As usual, I took everything so light and cool and went on with my daily routine. Since, the meeting was only schedule at 2.30 p.m and it only takes me only 10 minutes to get there, I took my nap. Anyway, I usually dont sleep only shut my eyes to rest. Hence, never once set an alarm clock. But I will make sure I wake up every 5-10 minutes.

Deng..deng deng, luck was not on my side today, and I slept through and only woke up at 2 pm. Panicked, I quickly rushed to grab my bag to see the venue of the meeting. Deng, deng, deng, deng, instead of the usual Blob B, there was suddenly Bilik Mesyuarat Bunga Raya? I got shock looking at unfamiliar room so looked at the second line to see Lembaga Lebuhraya, and the third line which states, Kajang-Serdang Highway!

I got more panicked; so panicked my brain froze and stops functioning. The only words that went through my head over and over for the first five minutes is “OH MY GOD!” I could do nothing and started fidgeting with the papers on the desk.

Somehow, the evil part of me was in action and it gave me various way to lie (which I really don’t know how in first place?). Among the most deprived option that I came up with were:

1. Didn’t know the meeting was in LLM and went to Ministy of Work at KL;
2. Didn't know the meeting was at LLM so went to EPU and was late;
3. I didn’t know the road, got lost and headed back home;
4. Tell sick and go home;
5. Tell car spoiled and go home;or
6. Just go home and get input from EPU to inform her next morning.

As I said, all option was just awful and was not satisfactory to miss out one of the most important meeting for the most important project. Luckily, there was this voice within me kept on saying, “what ever it is just leave the office, now!” I did exactly so.

It was then already 215, and I was driving out of the building. The voice within me spoke again, “Why not take the other road! May be you might just pass by Lembaga Lebuh Raya on the way and just get in. No harm trying.” So instead of the usual way back home, I took the long way to get to the highway.

I got lost twice and finally when I reached the highway, I reached a message from my assistant Sheema stating that, my boss will not be attending meeting with Secretary General and will join me in a while!”

Damn! I curse my self over and over. Why does when disaster strikes, it always doesn’t stop at one! So now by hook or crook, no matter how late it is I must attend the meeting. So I drove, by passing the hotels, then came MARDI and then instead of LLM there was Hospital Serdang? Yah, that where I realized i took the wrong road. I have seen the LLM building somewhere but not sure exactly where. So I just simply drove forward till I saw the sign Kajang and my inner voice spoke once again, ‘go further up, you might be lucky”. So I did exactly that and besides, if I do miss LLM, I can always head back home using that way!

Deng, deng, deng, deng, just after less then 3 minutes drive; I saw big sign board saying LLM u turn! At that movement the green sign board felt like some flashy neon light sign board (like on tv) that literary say, “you are here!” Yet, I managed to miss the u turn and two other turning before reaching the opposite site of the road where the LLM situated.

I was glad to finally be there even though I was very late. I quickly got down but not knowing which of the 3 block was the Bunga Raya Meeting Room situated. Luckily there was there two staffs that heading to the same place and offered to send me right to the door step. I peeped inside to see almost everyone was there. So I took deep breath, opened the door and thanked lord for that inner voice that had lead me to the meeting room as I saw my boss sitting in front of me giving me her big smile.

‘Are you from Bank ?’ the chairman asked. “No she is with me”, my boss answered. I smiled and took my seat and thank god over and over for the next 2 and ½ hours till the meeting ended.

Sigh! The whole incident was like cartoon! It was after a longtime time did I saw my self smiling and smiling and smiling till I drive back home. What a bizarre incident! Never in my life I imagined I would have both the devil and angel talking like on TV.

Anyhow, I am glad god is there within me! I am also glad that I read Elizabeth Gilbert book – ‘eats pray love’ to realize that.


Bilik Msyuarat -meeting room
Bunga raya- hibiscus flower
Lembaga Lebuh Raya – Highway Authority
MARDI- Malaysian Research and Development Institute

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