Monday, August 27, 2012

Chengdu, China : 28-30 October 2011

Day 1 : 28 October 2011, Friday
Destination : Chengdu, China 

I took half day and as my flight was scheduled at 6 pm. I had no choice as I need extra one day to visit Yang Tze river, a must see item in my trip. It seems liked an endless flight, and arrived Chengdu at 22.30 pm. Just like any other trips, I pre-booked my accommodation at Chengsu's Mix Hostel as well as my taxi ride. Minimising hassle in non English speaking country. The 4 bed dorm was CNY45. Upon arriving, I registered, dumped my bag and slept.

Chengdu Mix Hostel
Address: No.23, Ren Jia Wan,
Xinghui Road West
Tel: 028-83222271

Day 2: 29 October 2011, Saturday
Destination: Around Town

I had absolutely no Yuan. So far, I owe my room and for the taxi. But first I need to eat. Been starving since yesterday afternoon. There are no money changers here, and all changes are through bank. My first visit to foreign bank. I was lost. With gods greatest gift to human kind, hand (for sign language) and mouth (for beautiful smile), I manage to communicated with the guard. Only two words,US and passport.  So I fill up a form (Oh yah, It is  that tedious here) and waited. It took almost 45 minutes to get my money. Headed back, paid my bills and with a map and a piece of paper written I eat vegetarian food, I headed out to the old quarter.

Unlike other country, here I had more people staring. Why wouldn't they, when all  is white but me! 

First on the list was Wenshu Monastery, also known as "Manjusri Monastery". It is the oldest monastery in town. It cost about CNY5 . It was beautiful and rustic.

By the time I finished the monastery, I was starving. Since it is China, it is best to stick to vegetarian shop, and no to street food! The guide book says there is several vegetarian shops around the corner, especially at Wen Shu Fang Folk Street, old quarter. Since it was nearby, I walked. The place was beautiful, one corner filled with yummy street food and the next with souvenirs. It was just like Jonkers Street in Melaka, Malaysia.

When I finally found the famous vegetarian shop, Jujube Tree Vegetarian life Style, they did not want to serve me. God know why. All I could think was may be I was alone and they do not serve single customer, or may be they do not know how to converse with me. There goes my lunch!

Around old quarter

Street food: pickled onion, ginger, garlic, peanuts, nothing like i have tasted before

So, with lots of disappointment with the Lonely Planet, I decided to walk and find it else where. As usual I got lost, walked for hours, and went back to the only place I know I can get food, the hostel cafe!

I was so hungry, I combined my breakfast/lunch/dinner. Rice and spicy clay pot tofu. It was good, but to spicy. Different kind, the kind that causes numbness. Only later did I realised its sichuan pepper, and it was on my must buy list.

The rest of the day, I just rest, bought bread and cookies for tomorrow early morning excursion and slept. 

Day 3: 30 October 2011, Sunday
Le Shan : The Gigantic Buddha & Mt Emei

Day 3 was interesting, as I am about to go for a tour with Chinese speaking guide. It is not because I am fluent in Chinese language, but that was the easiest and most convenient way to to get to these place in short period of time. I only knew about this place from travel channel. I thought it looked amazing and vowed to go there. That's why, even though they had only Chinese speaking guide, I agreed to go. 

The pick up time as at 5, in a little van. In less then hour, the van was filled with people, form various hotel. All local. But lucky me, 3 of them spoke English fluently (a couple from Hong Kong and and Ai Lin, girl  from Shenzen, who studied in Australia).  

The first destination was Leshan. A large Buddha, located at the confluence of three rivers, namely, Min River, Qingyi. It is 71 meters (about 233 feet) high, and has three-meter-long (about 11 feet) fingers. The eight-meter-long (about 27 feet) and the 28-meter-wide (about 92 feet). Entrance fees, CNY90

At the entrace of Leshan

Buddha & I

I am so tinny, Buddha could just squash me!

My travel buddy, Ai Lin

Before we head to our next destination, Mt Emei or Mt Emeishan, we stop for lunch. I am not sure why, all the three English speeking group, refuse to eat. We just eat bread and juice. Weird people.

Anyway, the enterence fees is CNY150 and cable car (one way) CNY65. There are four scenic regions: Baoguo Temple, Wannian Temple, Qingyin Pavilion and Golden Summit. It is main peak, the Golden Summit, is 3079.3 meters (10,103 feet) above the sea level, seemingly reaching the sky.  But due to time constrain, they group only made it to Wannian temple.

On our way down..

The tour was interesting. Eventhough I do not speak in Chinesse, the rest of the group was really nice.  Ai Lin was always ther eto translate. My angels.
It was 20.00 pm by the time i arrived at the  hostel. i packed my back, and slept. 

Day 4 : 31 October 201, Monday
Destination: Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding

On  day 4, and the final day in Chengdu, I visited Chengdu Research Base for Giant Panda Breeding. I pre-booked the tour from the hostel. It is located just 10km away from downtown Chengdu, and cost RMB90 (transport, water and entrance fees-CNY75). It is the cheapest and fastest way to get to feeding time at 9. Just like other places, we can  not touch them, see from far. Picture with them cost RM500!!!!

Food Time: I am comming!!!

So Comfy and Yummm!

The Stooges in Action!

Baby Pandas!

The real deal: Panda on tree!

Looking at the Panda was interesting. I only wish I could touch them. The tour ended at about 11.30am, just nice for me to check out, stock up my bread and water for lunch and dinner, grab a taxi and head to the train station.

My next destination was Xian, 842 km from Chengdu and it roughly cost CNY200 for sleepers train. It is very clean. No pantry, but consantly people will be selling instant noodle and drinks. There is 3 level, first level where one can sit comfortabaly, second level which one can sit comfortable, and the third level, where one can only sleep comfortable. Thank god, I got the middle bunk. The ride was for 17 hours long hours.  

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