Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Beijing Part II: 6th November 2012 A Hike to Remember

Day 9: 6th November 2012, Sunday
Destination: The Great Wall of China From Jinshanling to Simikot!

I woke up early, all prepared. Even manage to get out to packed my breakfast, flat bread form Char Kueah shop. I was so eager for this day, hiking Great Wall, from Jinshanling to Simikot. There were 4 of us from the hostel, and we picked up more from Hutong, total of two van van. Everyone was from different corner of the different world, different age but one thing in comment, conquering the Great Wall.

We were told the hike was difficult and there was only two option, cable car or walk. Unfortunately the cable car was not in service, so there was no option at all. I was worried. It was aproximately 3-4 hours hike, 20 watchtowers.  With so much fear, started the hike. It was not an easy hike, but managable. Some part of the hike were steep and some difficult due to the ruins.  But the best part ws the breathtaking  view. The sunny day and the yellow and red colour from the tree, was just picture perfect.   I actualy had tears! 

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