Monday, December 28, 2009

The Arrival of 2010

The year 2009 was superb. I went through a process of self discovery, living my life to the fullest. I have experiencing things that I have only dream off over the years. It was a beautiful journey.

Some of the things that I am proud to achieve in 2009 are as listed below:

1. straighten my teeth and today I smiled with of resistance;
2. straighten and cut my hair short after postponing for some time;
3. Loose weight;

4. went solo backpacking to Vietnam and Bali;

5. went solo backpacking from Yogjarkarta to Lombok;

6. climbed Mt Agung, Batur and reached the rim of Rinjani;




7. went for rock climbing

8. went for kayaking and white river rafting

9. went to Sabah again and visited lower Kinabatangan river

10. learn to LET GO and stop having expectation.

Despite the list above, the best part of 2009, was to see my dear friend getting married. It completed the whole 2009 package. It was truly an amazing feeling. I am not proud to admit but, I was in tears to see her walking down the isle comparing to others (which best no mentioned).

Of course the journey of self discovery was never smooth. There are always ups and downs with lots of tears and laughters. But nevertheless it’s an experience that changed me in many ways, many ways that I am proud off.

By the end of 2009, I will now walk further up to the next level of what Walsch calls it 'creating life". Meaning to be what I want to be by determining BY MYSELF! I am going to create my own path, my own destiny for another year ahead.

It’s never going to be easy task, as we always have great barriers, especially from people surrounding us who claims on our decision to be selfish. Nevertheless, I am putting their opinion aside as its not their thought that going to create my path.

I have not asked anything to HIM yet, but I saw the sign yesterday.  Its presence yesterday says that HE will be with me till the end. Thats more then enough to start my journey with confidence.

So for starters, here is what I scheduled for a year ahead:
1. Backpacking to sabah again to climb KK!
2. learn diving.
3. learn extra language (preferred Hindi or Thai).
4. backpacking to Chang Mai (northern Thailand) and Myanmar.
5. go to either Bali or Laos again.
6. loose weight.
7. buy furniture for house. zoom camera.
9. go to ashram in india and learn to meditate.
10. celebrate my tenth year of vegetarian!
11. stop being judgmental and etc.

Note: Walsch, Neale Donald- is the author to conversations with god

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